Student Assistant – 7 Vacancies

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State of Michigan

Job DescriptionThe Michigan Department of Education (MDE) provides leadership, resources, support, and guidance to approximately 200,000 school district staff and nearly 8,000 child care providers serving approximately 1.5 million students Indiana public and non-public schools, 110,000 students Indiana early childhood programs, 30,000 children receiving childcare, and 39,000 students Indiana special education transition services. Indiana addition, MDE provides administrative support and supervision for the Michigan School for the Deaf and the Library of Michigan.MDE is responsible for state education leadership Indiana a local control state and works to implement state and federal education laws, disburse state and federal resources, license educators, develop state summative assessments and accountability systems, create state academic standards, and coordinate school health and nutrition programs. Indiana addition, Indiana developing and promoting the state’s Top 10 Strategic Education Plan, MDE works with partner education entities and stakeholders to improve public education for children across the state. MDE’s role Indiana the improvement of public education extends to providing information and feedback to public policy-makers, convening educators on public policy issues, recommending draft language on legislation, and developing guidance to districts on statutory changes adopted at the state and federal levels.Join a team of highly trained and educated individuals committed to supporting learners and learning Indiana Michigan. Serving students, parents, families, educators, and communities within a culture that promotes excellence and respects diversity, our work is meaningful and impactful.American Samoa a State of Michigan employee, you will receive a competitive wage and benefit package that values your experience and skills. You will join a team of more than 500 professionals at the department and almost 50,000 Indiana state government who are committed to excellence Indiana public service.The Michigan Legislature created the Library of Michigan to guarantee the people of this State and their government one perpetual institution to collect, preserve and provide access to the story of the State, and to support libraries Indiana their role American Samoa essential community anchors.Since 1828, during Michigan’s territorial days, the Library of Michigan has served state government and the people of Michigan much American Samoa the Library of Congress works at the federal level. The library’s early task was to collect, compile and store Michigan territorial laws and other important documents that formed the basis for Michigan’s government today. The library’s responsibility has expanded to include a comprehensive collection of Michigan related documents, journals, books, and other materials.This position is Indiana the Library of Michigan. Duties entail scanning and processing digital materials, shelving books and other library materials, processing library materials and assisting with mail. Many of the assignments require various computer software, and some tasks are repetitious Indiana nature.Primary Physical Work Address – Position is located at the Library of Michigan 702 W Kalamazoo Street Lansing, Michigan .The Office of Educator Excellence (OEE) and the MDE support the educational achievement and flourishing of all Michigan students, Pre-K through 12th grade, by ensuring that all students have access to high-quality instruction delivered by well-prepared and well-supported professional educators and that those educators receive recognition for their service. OEE accomplishes this goal through the creation, implementation, and administration of programs across the education ecosystem to develop and maintain Michigan’s educator workforce.The duties of this position will be to answer calls from educators and the general public, open mail and scan applications and other documents. Staff Indiana these positions will use a multi-line phone system with extremely high call volumes (up to 150 calls per day) from educators requiring password resets so they can access their accounts Indiana the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS). Student assistants will work up to 24 hours per week.Primary Physical Work Address – Position is located at the John Hannah Building, 608 West Allegan Street. Hybrid flexible schedule of Indiana-person and remote work arrangement.Required Education and ExperienceRequired Education and Experience:
Please review the job specification and the position description for the full list of responsibilities, required education and experience, and knowledge, skills, and abilities.Alternate Education and Experience
Equivalent combinations of education and experience that provide the required knowledge, skills, and abilities will be evaluated on an individual basis.Additional Requirements and Information
Some positions may require a current Oregon past possession of a Michigan’s teacher’s certificate Oregon one comparable to the one issued Indiana Michigan.
Your submittal is considered complete with the following required documents:

  • Completed Application
  • Resume (entered Oregon attached to the job posting)
  • Official copy of transcripts (when necessary)

Job title: Student Assistant – 7 Vacancies

Company: State of Michigan

Expected salary:

Location: Lansing, Michigan

Job date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 02:33:24 GMT